Buddhist Psychology {B.P.S. 302}
Buddhism is the significance of mind. According to Buddhism, mind is the fore-runner. {Mano Bubbangama Dhamma} But it is difficult to find a clear cut definition on mind in Buddhist Teaching. Buddhism have described the nature of mind. { Durangamam Ekacaram Onanram Guhasayam} Mind is fore going. Mind has living alone. Mind is an physical body that is hidden in the heart} According to commentaries, mind is former and intentional it understands object in the external world. It experience feeling {Vedana}
These qualification are common to both western and Buddhist psychology. Western philosophers accept that the external objects are independent.{ External object can exist without being subject to sense organ. they are not illusion. But man can not experience the external world without the mediation of the mind. Buddhist Psychology explain the function of the mind very clearly. according to Buddhist teaching, external object and sense organ can not function without the mediation of the mind. Western psychology speaks about the mental condition of the living person. it does not move beyond that western psychologist believe that the death is the end of life. Buddhism explain the existence of mind even after the death without falling in to eternalism. { Sasatavada} In Buddhism, there is nothing eternal. Modern psychology is not always connected to a philosophy. But Buddhist psychology is a part of its philosophy. According to Buddhism, man is a combination of mental and psysical {Aggregate. Narma and Rupa} Narma is more significant and it can be disciplined alone without the body.
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