Asked a Venerable to the question, "How to generate boundless Compassion for all beings?" His answer was to "Cultivate Equanimity." That means, to realise the ultimate equality of all beings-I'm not superior to anyone, just as no one is inferior to any other. We are all one body.

That reminds me of the simple but important parable of the two-headed bird. A bird had two heads that shared only body. One day, out of spite, one tricked the other to eating poisonous fruit, and the whole bird died as a result. Likewise, "others" and "I" share one body. Who we are and our survival depends on others-no food, no clothing, no friends, no parents, no jobs... without "others"-we are interdependent. One guy gone astray might begin the downfall of his society.

The Venerable said, "Be careful not to become a Compassion Devil." A Compassion Devil would be one who truly thinks he is compassionate when he sees himself exclusively separate from others-that "they" undeniably need help from him. This causes the ego to rise and get fat! A truly compassionate person never feels that he is being compassionate-he simply functions the way he sees as the most natural way in the world. While we should praise the kind, no big deal should be made out of being kind.
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