Mental healing (A philosophy of psychology)

There was a man whose car was sunk by the mud beside a small road.

In such a condition, he was really looking forward for someone to help him. Fortunately, he got a horse to pull his car out while the horse was eating the grass in the farm which was not so far from him.

The horse was called “ Redy” and at first the man drove the horse by calling him “ Redy” you can make it, pull! Redy! Pull!

The horse pulled slowly with very little effort. So the car didn't move from the mud. He did this many times. But the condition remained the same.

Finally, he decided to change his strategy. He covered the horse’s eyes so that the horse could not see anything. He called the horse many names as if there were many horses pulling the car. He called “ Redy! Whity! Blacky etc. Pull! I know you all can make it. Pull! You all pull!” The horse pulled strongly with a great effort as he thought there were many horses pulling together with him.

The man successfully got the horse to pull his car from the mud.

This story is written my Thawmamoonstars.

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