Day 13

As I am sitting here in the office typing on a laptop, the electricity of the building failed. Luckily, there is a charged-up battery in the laptop. There is this sudden "attack" of silence and stillness. The air-conditioner's humming and the music of a CD-player ceased in a split-second. The air is still-the only thing moving is my thinking mind and my typing fingers. I can hear some light traffic outside. There is a mild but definite sense of peaceful surprise with disruptive shock rolled into one. It is at moments like these that we sometimes realise how much white noise or mental static we have in our minds when we are awake-there is always something going on in our head. And while we try to hold one thought at a time, there is always a bunch of others constantly fighting for attention. Most of the time, we simply let this mental chatter buzz on mindlessly, forgetting how much better centeredness and stillness feels. In silence, everything becomes clear-you can hear a pin drop and you can hear your mind talk, complain, sing, whisper, hush, sigh...

It is interesting that in the beginning, I used to "curse and swear" inside when a blackout occurs, which renders my efforts of unsaved entered data lost. The unpleasant shock still comes once in a while during blackouts, but I am starting to accept it readily and graciously as a mere "playing" of my bad karma. It is a good surprise test-these blackouts-they let me assess my level of attachment, anger, ego... And they remind me of the importance and joy of stillness. Stop all the wars in the world by first stopping the wars within yourself... be still. When all of us end their inner wars, no outer war will ever be fought. Everyone only needs to make that one small step towards world peace-learn to be still.

I think I will close my eyes and meditate on this silence for a while, as I wait for the power to return.

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