Day 22

Sometimes, motivation can come in many ways. It is important to remember that Puja (chanting) is actually meant to inspire and motivate instead of being repetitiously boring. If Puja is done daily whole-heartedly, it becomes incredibly uplifting. The Morning Puja can be the spiritual reminder to live the day mindfully, and the Evening Puja can be the reflection time for the day's deeds done and undone. The moment one feels that doing Puja is a lifeless perfunctory thing, he needs to check himself. Here's an example of an inspiring Puja passage:

Transference of Merit and Self-Surrender:

May the merit gained in my acting thus
Go to the alleviation of the suffering of all beings.
My personality throughout my existences.
My possessions,
And my merit in all three ways,
I give up without regard to myself
For the benefit of all beings.

Just as the earth and other elements
Are serviceable in many ways
To the infinite number of beings
Inhabiting limitless space,
So may I become
That which maintains all beings
Situated throughout space,
So long as all have not attained to peace.

If you skimmed through the above Puja passage "quickly"... re-read it... with conviction and mindfulness this time-inspiring and motivating, isn't it?

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