Day 20

I discovered an amazing way of looking at everyday things lately. I call it the "zoom-in and zoom-out" method. Sometimes the same old things look like the same old things. We see most familiar things in fixed contexts. For example, we usually see the kitchen table with the table-cloth on it and a vase of flowers on it. We see these collectively. Zooming in on this would mean observing and seeing the intricate details of the petals, seeing the cloth pattern... A whole new world unfurls-like a microcosms (small universe). It might sound ridiculous, but I daresay that only a few of us have ever really seen a table-cloth. What does that imply? It mean that we had often failed to see and appreciate the intricate details of life. More importantly, it might mean we fail to understand how we see things, fail to realise how we function in the mind, and its processes, which often leaves us feeling blue and betrayed. Zooming in thus has its analytical effects. Contemplation and meditation is actually a kind of spiritual zooming in and out.

Zooming out has mind-expanding effects. Don't keep letting the "ugly" painting in room be your incredibly outstanding personal eyesore, spoiling your appreciation of the room. Take a few steps back and see the room on the whole-the painting might look apt in place, or insignificant!

When feeling low, you are probably in a too narrow or zoomed-in state of mind. Zoom out and open up! In your present inner darkness, the sun shines on and the birds sing on! When feeling too high or even cocky, you are probably too zoomed-out in the head (pig-headed). Zoom in and reflect on your ego.

Try this-gaze at the stars in the deep boundless night sky as far as you can (zoom-out)... or stare face on at the trunk of a tree (zoom-in). What do you see? Entire new universes at here. Realms within realms within realms... ad infinitum (endlessly). See like you never see before.

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