Day 17

Indeed is awareness being alive... I was rushing to meet a project deadline and was having a terrible hangover. What made things worse was the realisation that much that was planned to be completed was not. For about half an hour, I was in a stupor. As I slowly regained my normal consciousness, it reminded me of the Buddha having taught us that mindfulness is path to the deathless; those who are unmindful live as if they were already dead.

When we say, "I never felt so alive," we usually mean "I was never so aware." It is crucial that to enjoy life, we must live it wide awake-don't be asleep to certain aspects of your life, live every bit fully. Otherwise, you would be dead in some sense. Feel your feelings and see your thoughts. Smell the roses and hear the birds. If you find that enjoyable, the Buddha has greater news for us all-things can get even better, with increased awareness. And nothing beats Enlightenment!

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