Theory of perception {lecture 302}Date 12.3.08

Buddhist psychologies help a person to achieve Nibbarna. {To tranquility of the mind} defilements are destroyed. Men experience the wold through sense organs. { meditators are eye,ear,nose,tongue, body, mind} Man with the help of his sense organs understands the outer world. There will be no perception without the meditation of the mind. Any sense organ can not identify any object without the mind {Contact of the eye with an object things no clear idea of the object. It is mind that dominates in the process of perception. Whenever a sense organ meet an object the process of perception starts with the meditation of the mind.

Eye =mind= feelings

Ear =mind= sound




Mind makes the connection between the object and sense. The contact between the eye and the object produces {Cakkuvinnana} visual consciousness}

This is not correct understanding. This stage object not makes any clear idea about the object visual consciousness arises because of eye and material shape. {Cakkumca Paticca Rupeca Uppajjati Cakkhu Vinnarnam}

Then there appear the mind meeting of the three is necessary impingement {“Tinnam Sangathi Phasso”} {cognition=connation}

Feeling is based on sensory impingement {Pasapaccaya Vedanar} Yam vedeti tam samjarnati”

{ See in Madhapindika Sutta of the Majjhima Nikaya}

What one perceives one reason about {Yam Sanginarti Tamvitakketi}

[Yam Vitakketi Tam Papanceti}

What one reasons out he begins to collect details of the object.

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